Monday, May 23, 2011

I love this painting... so happy that these birds flew in and joined the party!!!.   . I am not sure I am quite finished with this. The model needs to be grounded a bit. And the bird on the left is not quite finished. But just had to get in posted.

Saturday, May 14, 2011

Birds come to the 2012 calendar

This is pretty amazing. I have been slow in moving into this painting trying to find something that will bring excitement and delight to this pose. I had been toying with the idea of birds and just had to work on a way to render this idea. Voila! It happened. Last week I picked up a beautiful bird book at a used book store. It opened up a new world for me and allowed me to play with birds, their expressions and shapes and then create fantasy birds!!!!
Anyways, this is where I am so far. I now have so many wonderful ideas bubbling up for the paintings ahead.... butterflies, dragonflies, fish, rabbits.... am I getting carried away...????? Just stoking the imagination.