Tuesday, March 27, 2012

Just finished...

Just finished "Spring time girl".   Nothing like a  rabbit, a daffodil and the cutest tree pose
ever to herald the beginning of Spring!!!

Sunday, March 11, 2012

Brave Warrior finished...

Finished up this painting today...
This is a little warrior that would fly if he could... His spirit seems to soar as he decends into
the pose.  

Monday, March 5, 2012

Brave Warrior

Earth energy, sky energy...  a beautiful balance.     Almost finished this little painting.   Thank you
Malleck, you are a wonderful yogi and model.

Monday, January 30, 2012

"Oh Baby" all done...

It is January 30th and I am off to a good start for Calendar 2013.   This is the first time I have had a "pregnant Mama" in the calendar.   It seems fitting as I taught prenatal yoga for many years and prenatal and postpartum exercise classes before I began yoga in 1988.    This lovely model is seasoned in "the art of baby making".  This is her 4th pregnancy.   Lovely lady, indeed.
   I have always found a deep spiritual component in the journey and mystery of pregnancy and birth.
I hope I have captured that here.

Sunday, January 29, 2012

Mama Yoga

This painting is blooming and coming alive....  My painting brain is beginning to warm up and the juice is flowing...  I can feel the love in this image.

Monday, January 23, 2012

Oh Baby, Baby, Baby....

A beginning...
I am feeling a little rusty as I have not been painting for a few months, since October.
I will see what new imaginings are coming up...
So delighted to have a pregnant Mama to
include in the new calendar.
I taught prenatal yoga for many years....
always a privilege to be in the presence
of these beautiful women.

Saturday, January 14, 2012

First Photo Shoot of 2012

How can I go wrong with a beautiful model like this....
Finally one of my yoga students is pregnant... and a willing model for calendar 2013.
This is her 4th baby. 
She is a beautiful expression of new life blooming.   Can't wait to start the preliminary drawing.

Tuesday, January 10, 2012

"Art as a priority in my life"

As I reread my profile I ask myself, what does it mean to "hold art as a priority in my life "as I have stated there??  Does it mean I need to be working on a piece everyday, completing a painting every week, or does it just mean I am opening to and making space for art in some way everyday?  I think, for me, the latter.
I have not been painting recently as my focus was getting my watercolor calendars out there for others to enjoy and getting my paintings up for a new show downtown at the Bagelry.
Currently I am working on a collage as this helps to shake out some new ideas and bring fresh awareness and originality into my work.   I am scheduling photo shoots and looking through my journals for new poses and phrases to express the yoga journey.   This is all part of staying in the art life, stirring it, adding different ingredients and being open to what emerges.